Sinai Synagogue home page

Tu b'Shvat tree planting

Sunday, 09 February 1:30pm - 3:00pm

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Registration ends at Sunday, 09 February 1:30pm
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Tu b'Shvat tree planting Sunday, 09 February 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Ticket Price Amount Total
Attending £ 0.00
£ 0.00
£ 0.00
Total: £ 0.00
Events discount :
Tickets discount :
Tax :
Total: £ 0.00
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1.30pm Tree planting
2pm Tu b'Shvat Seder

This is a joint activity with LJWB, LJHA and Leeds Masorti and will take place at MAZCC

Please book so that we know how many people will be attending.