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We are looking for lay members who would like to help lead Kaddish and Kiddush.  This is our opportunity to meet together and support our congregants who are marking Yahrzeit.

Following the very successful launch of Kaddish and Kiddush, we are looking for lay members who would like to help lead it.  These run at 12:30 on each Shabbat morning and follow on from Rabbi Strasko’s streamed service. You can lead any part of the Kaddish and Kiddush, or all of it.  Jonathan Lewis is organising the rota for this, and as we are still uncertain when lockdown will end, planning just four weeks in advance – with a new leader added each week.  If you would like to join the increasing group of leaders, and be included on the rota, please contact Jonathan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.