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As a congregation committed to the principles and practices of Progressive Judaism, Sinai Synagogue will maintain kosher food preparation and serving facilities.  All food prepared or served on the premises will be kosher.

All food prepared and/or served in Sinai Synagogue will only be chalavi (dairy) and/or parve.

Meat and/or meat products or derivatives including poultry are not to be served or prepared on the premises. This includes kosher meat and meat products.


The following may be used on the premises:

  • Any chalavi and/or parve foodstuffs with an acknowledged hechsher.
  • Any foodstuffs that are listed in acknowledged kashrut authority lists.
  • Any foodstuffs bearing the logo of the Vegetarian Society or labelled 'Suitable for Vegetarians'
  • Fish with fins and scales; fresh, frozen or preserved.
  • Any fruit, vegetable or cereal produce.
  • Beer and soft drinks
  • Wines and spirits - irrespective of hechsher.  (Excluding anything containing animal material, eg. bull’s blood or worms…)
  • Tea and coffee
  • Milk and cream from controlled sources  -  irrespective of hechsher.

Ethical Kashrut

The Synagogue has adopted a policy of purchasing, wherever practical products that bear the Fairtrade logo.


Eggs are parve. However, eggs with bloodspots in them contravene the prohibition on the consumption of blood. It is therefore traditional practice always to break an egg into a glass so that it can be examined before it is added to food being prepared. Eggs with blood spots should be discarded.

Some flavourings which in themselves are kasher but give a non kosher impression (eg bacon flavoured crisps) are not allowed in the spirit of marit ayin (creating a false impression). Meat substitutes such as Quorn and Tofu should be clearly marked when being served.


Food prepared at home or at premises not supervised for kashrut, will be permitted to be served on Synagogue premises only on condition that the preparer signs a declaration that it conforms to the following principles:

  • Food has been prepared using ingredients conforming to the above guidelines.
  • Food has been prepared with, and stored in, utensils that have not been used for meat products, meat by-products or treife.
  • Food has been prepared and stored under appropriate Food Hygiene guidelines.


  • kashrut - principles of Jewish dietary observance
  • kosher - foods acceptable under Jewish law
  • kasher - as kosher but with modern Hebrew pronunciation
  • chalavi – dairy
  • parvekosher food that is neither dairy nor meat
  • hechscher – rabbinic certification that food is kasher
  • marit ayin – creating a false impression
  • treife – foods unacceptable under Jewish law
  • controlled sources – shops or supermarkets

In any matters of doubt, the Cantor's decision will establish policy. In the absence of a Rabbi, guidance from a member of the Movement for Reform Judaism, Assembly of Rabbis will be accepted.

Last updated Dec 2016