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If you have been anywhere near Roman Avenue in the last week or two, you may have noticed that we aren't exactly looking our best! Vital roadworks are taking place for the next 10 weeks or so which means that access to shul is a little more tricky - but still very much possible!

For those of you who normally enter Roman Avenue via the Ring Road, a diversion is in place using West Park Drive West and Norton Road. Entry via Street Lane remains as usual, the signage claims the road is closed but the car park IS still in use, please drive cautiously especially if vehicles are backed up to enter the car park.

A small number of parking spaces are being used by the roadworks team, as our way of negating the impact of this work on our neighbours. The team will NOT be moving vehicles on or off site over Shabbat or the Yom Tavim and we are being paid for this usage, bringing much needed funds into Sinai.

We will reserve a few additional spaces in the car park for those who may struggle to walk; if you are able to, please consider parking (respectfully) on Vale Avenue, Norton Road or even walking if the weather is fine! This will be good practice for our future building which will have significantly reduced parking.

Thank you for your understanding and wishing you Shana Tova