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Coming in early 2024, the ninth edition of Forms of Prayer:Days of Awe is a Reform Machzor for a new generation.

It will enable us to make the extraordinary journeys of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in a way that expresses our Reform Jewish values and our place in Jewish tradition.

Celebrate this exciting moment and make your mark on the new Machzor

The Machzor will have a special section for dedications. By sponsoring a dedication, you can include up to 18 words of text to commemorate the life of a loved one, a special occasion, or something else that is important to you.

The new Days of Awe Machzor has:
  • Transliteration throughout
  • Signposting for each service
  • Clear layout
  • Additional explanation
  • Gender-inclusive language
  • An in-depth study anthology with new contemporary texts
  • Liturgy with choices
  • Moments for music
  • and much more!

For more information see the Reform Judaism web site.