Latest News
High Holy Day Security
- By Sinai Security Team
Usually I would be addressing you all from the bimah to remind you about the importance of security and vigilance as we gather for the high holy days. So what makes this year different from all other years? Well, just one thing: I am addressing you all virtually.
Sinai AGM - 9th September
- By David J Israel
The rescheduled AGM will take place on 9th September at 7:30pm on Zoom - the password was sent to all members by email on 7th September 2020.
Yom Kippur Mincha 5781
- By Tony Bryant & Griselda Pollock
For several years we have had the privilege of arranging and taking the Mincha service for YK afternoon. In the early days we were ably assisted by many of the post-bar/batmitzvah group, and in recent years we have incorporated a study session as part of the service.
A Mitzvah for the High Holy Days
Ivan Herscovitz will be at Harehills Cemetery, Kimberley Road, LS9 6LZ, on Sunday 13 September from 10:00am until 2:00pm.
Your High Holy Day tickets will soon arrive.
We are now finalising the programme of virtual services and activities for this year’s High Holy days, starting with Erev Rosh Hashannah on Friday 18th September. We will soon send you a copy of the programme as well as a list of festivals for this year 5781 (2020 - 2021). The programme will also be here, on our website and there will be links in the weekly newsletter and on our Facebook page.
Dignity in Destitution
- By Sally Raanan
Asylum seekers are often the bottom of the pile when it comes to support and sympathy.
Each person has their own story of how and why they have made the difficult decision to leave their home and maybe their entire family, to make a long, often terrifying and dangerous journey to another country. They are frequently traumatised, bewildered and confused by the hostile reception they get from the Home Office, when they finally get to the UK.
Communities that Care Initiative
Upcoming Communities that Care ZOOM events at Reform Judaism UK
From July, meetings will be every fortnight; 10th and 24th July and 7th and 21stAugust.
The Zone needs your help.
The Zone needs your help to fill the void due to cancelled fundraising events. To help them continue to support our youth and community, please make a donation by bank transfer to account number 45869553, Sort Code 60-60-05
For further information, email
Would You Like to Lead a Kaddish and Kiddush?
We are looking for lay members who would like to help lead Kaddish and Kiddush. This is our opportunity to meet together and support our congregants who are marking Yahrzeit.
An update on the Night Shelter for Destitute Asylum Seekers
Two things have happened recently:
WYDAN (West Yorkshire Destitute Asylum Network) passed a proposal at its AGM in March to wind up its operations because of the establishment of regional NACCOM (the NO Accommodation Network) hubs which are designed essentially to be a network of asylum-seeker support organisations.
Read more: An update on the Night Shelter for Destitute Asylum Seekers