Latest News
Gateways into Judaism - Adult Education
- By Rabbi Paul Strasko
Starting on Sunday October 25th, at 3:30pm, for 90 minutes, we will begin a journey together looking back at Jewish history as it fits within human history and discovering together how each of our key texts, rituals, and object have all been part of a clear, logical, and perhaps even beautiful response to the realities of the moment.
AmazonSmile donations on Prime Day
- By Pippa Brook
If you shop Amazon Prime Day deals on 13 & 14 October, you can make a difference: Simply shop at or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app, and AmazonSmile donates to the shul.
Baby Loss Awareness Week
- By Ruth Bender Atik
Friday 9 October marks the beginning of Baby Loss Awareness Week, a time of remembrance for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby in pregnancy, at or soon after birth, or in infancy.
Community Outreach
Following a successful bid for funding, we are delighted to announce that we have appointed Becky Teiger to the role of Sinai Community Outreach consultant. Becky has stepped down from her role as Vice Chair in order to take up this position.
BBC One Documentary on Jewish Life Cycle and Celebrations
A television company called Proper Content are making an exciting new documentary for BBC One exploring how British Jews mark life’s key moments, looking at the celebrations, ceremonies and traditions that take place.
Read more: BBC One Documentary on Jewish Life Cycle and Celebrations
Rosh Hashana greetings
- By Councillor Judith Blake CBE
As this weekend the Jewish community in Leeds like Jewish communities all around the world will be celebrating Rosh Hashana, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and everyone celebrating ‘Shana Tova’.
Blowing the Shofar at Sinai 2020
- By Simon Marcus
The Great Sinai Succah Challenge 5781
- By Helen Michael
We are hoping we will be able to build a succah at the synagogue this year, but even if we do, we will not be able to gather there as a community to celebrate the festival as in previous years. So why not make this the year you build your own? It is really not that hard, so if you have any outside space, we challenge you to have a go!
Sinai Community Outreach (SCO) - Updated
- By Tom Cohen
Request for Quotation
Sinai Synagogue, Leeds (Sinai) has received funding from the National Lottery to help us respond to challenges facing our community as a result of the C-19 pandemic, the project is called Sinai Community Outreach (SCO).
Religion School Families
- By The Trustees
Normally, this email would be welcoming you back to a new term at Religion School; sadly, however, so much has been different this year.....and we want to acknowledge how challenging this time has been for all families, whatever your circumstances.