Latest News
Primary Age Education
- By Helen Michael
Invitation to join Homeshul, starting this weekend, 10th January
We have some exciting news about Jewish education provision for our primary age children this term.
Braham Myers MBE will be 100 on 22nd February.
Many Sinai members know Braham and Lola and remember the contribution they have made to our community over many years.
From the Chair & Rabbi
- By David J Israel
It is with great sadness that the trustees of Sinai announce that Rabbi Strasko will be retiring from the community rabbinate in the coming months due to his ill health.
Fundraising for Sinai
- By Pippa Brook
There are many ways you can boost Sinai's income to help keep us a thriving Jewish community:-
A Milestone Reached
- By Rabbi Paul Strasko
We have reached a tremendous milestone this weekend – we are going to have our first Bat Mitzvah at Sinai since lockdown last March.
What is Chanukah all about?
- By Reform Judaism
Wider society may have decided this festival is the “Jewish Christmas” - but this co-opting of our celebration loses everything about our distinctive tradition and story. What is the real meaning of Chanukah?
Time to look beyond our community
- By Becky Teiger
"Adding another layer to our "share the light" campaign.
Lockdown Shabbat
- By Rabbi Paul Strasko
I have made an audio recording of some of the mostly new compositions that I have written since lockdown (and a few before.) For anyone wanting to listen, learn, and maybe practice a few harmonies for when lockdown is over?
Stay healthy, all!
Share the Light
- By Becky Teiger
The "Share the Light" campaign, launching on Mitzvah Day and running until Chanukah (and hopefully beyond!) is a chance to spread a little warmth and comfort, both within and beyond our Sinai community.
Brodetsky's Prospective Parents Open Evening
- By Sagi Yechezkel
Brodetsky Primary School is holding a virtual open evening for all prospective parents on Thursday 19th November 2020 at 6.30pm on Zoom.
Over the last couple of years, the school has been oversubscribed and have had to refer to applicants' 'Supplementary Information Forms' (SIF) to prioritise entry to the school.