Latest News
Sh'liach Tzibbur, Service Leaders Course
- By Sarita Robinson
Designed for both beginners and seasoned lay readers whether you wish to hone your skills or want to learn lishma, for the sake of learning.
Shavuot Message from Reform Judaism 2022
- By Sarita Robinson
Since Pesach, we’ve been counting; when that count gets to 49 days, or 7 weeks, it’s time to celebrate Shavuot.
An update on Rabbinic recruitment
- By Tony Bryant
The Rabbinic recruitment working party (RRWP) have been continuing with preparatory work, including the documentation on the website and a request for members to email the question they would like applicants to answer.
Book Club
- By Elsje and Madeleine
Our Book club is taking a summer break after two years of zoom meetings, in which we’ve read some great Jewish themed books and enjoyed lively discussions.
Shabbat After Service Chat
- By Carol Adams
Over the past months the number of people joining in these sessions has diminished. As a result, it has been suggested that, at least during the summer months, when people are more likely to be out and about, we discontinue the Zoom sessions. We can then review the situation again after the High Holy Days.
Leo Baeck College’s 65th Anniversary
- By Dr Stephen Herman
In our 65th year, Leo Baeck College would like to reach out to as many of our stakeholders in the Progressive Jewish communities as possible.
Sh’monim mi yodea - who knows eighty?
- By Reform Judaism
‘Eighty’ is the years since six synagogues came together to create what would become the Movement for Reform Judaism.
New Chevrae Group
- By Carolanne Israel
I am starting a group for anyone who has converted through Sinai, either recently or many moons ago, I am hoping you will be interested in joining some sessions throughout this year.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- By Jeremy Bloom
This year’s AGM will be held on 26 May 2022 at 19.30 at Sinai.
Details of the L’chaim Course.
- By Helen Michael
L’Chaim: A course developed by the Movement for Reform Judaism, aimed at any interested adult Jew who wants an honest engagement with Reform Judaism.