Latest News
Ready for the Whole megillah?
Inspired, Dynamic Erev Purim Service from 6.30pm Monday 6th March. Costumes encouraged. All warmly welcome!
Thanks from PAFRAS
Thanks to all members of your congregation for your donation of toiletries, this is very kind of you.
Pesach Message from the Movement for Reform Judaism
- By Rabbi Mark Goldsmith
The Pesach Hagaddah may be the most popular single book for Jews, so many homes have multiple copies
Read more: Pesach Message from the Movement for Reform Judaism
Pesach Message from the Board of Deputies
- By Marie van der Zyl OBE
At Pesach, we celebrate the freedom of the Jewish people. It is a joyous festival but it is also the time of year when we recall the suffering of our ancestors and how they fought against and triumphed over adversity.
Israel Webinar
With great pleasure, ERA and EUPJ invite you to a webinar with Rabbi Gilad Kariv MK and Anna Kislanski CEO of IMPJ on Thursday 9 th February 6:30pm UK time/7:30pm Continental Europe / 8:30pm Israel time.
Programming & Families Co-ordinator
Sinai are searching for a Programming & Families Co-ordinator
- Do you love working with people of all ages?
- Are you organised, creative and enthusiastic?
- Do you want to be the driving force behind our next exciting step as a community?
Our Next Chapter
The Sinai Board of Trustees are excited to announce the next chapter for our community. We have appointed Becky Teiger to take on this challenge as our new Community Director.
Happy 100th Braham
Happy 100th birthday to our member Braham Myers! We have just received this message from his care home - "Braham has just watched the birthday messages along with Lola, it was brilliant- we have taken pictures and will forward them in the next couple of days. He was extremely grateful to everyone for the thought and consideration."
New Israel Fund latest webinar
New Israel Fund has an active appeal "Help bridge the divide" to support a three point plan.
The Great Sinai Succah Challenge 5781 - update
- By Helen Michael
Did you read about the succah challenge in the chronicle? Or did you see the poster in your Goody bag? Have you built one? We would love to see pictures of it and your family celebrating in it if you have!